It is the mission, duty, and purpose of Front-Porch Felines to alleviate suffering in the feral cat population by means of education, sterilization, nutritious food, shelter, and medical care.

It is our intent to be available when possible, to help individuals or businesses manage feral cats on their property or under their care.

Although feral cats are not normally socialized to people, they still have some of the same basic needs as our companion animals. Even more so.

Every animal, including our community cats, deserves food, water, and shelter from the elements.


FRONT-PORCH FELINES provides education on nutritious food, clean water, and how to provide low-cost shelters for feral cats. We also educate the public on the importance of TNR (trap-neuter-return) and vaccination of the feral cat population. We also provide information on sterilizing and vaccinating of companion cats — two keys to controlling the feral cat population. This information will be communicated by personal meetings, and also through information on our website and the monthly newsletter in our subdivision.