The Story of Sol

One day, while driving Barnaby to his laser therapy appointment, minding my own business I might add. Little Sol crossed very slowly, right in front of my car on an exit ramp. My first reaction was “really? You had to walk in front of me?’ Of course she did. She knew I would stop. You see Sol was completely emaciated. She was a skeleton with fur. I pulled over, tried to catch her, unsuccessfully. She went behind an apartment complex and acted like that was where she was going to stay. I proceeded to Barnaby’s appointment. When I finished up, I stopped and bought a can of cat food and headed back to the complex. She was still there sunning herself and having a lunch of vomit (I know gross) behind the complex. I opened the can, crawled up to her, she seemed interested. I have started keeping a spare cat carrier in my car for kittens that pop up, so I was able to get her into my carrier. I took her home, she looked good, except for being a skeleton, but wouldn’t eat much. That made me worry. I had intended to keep her a few days, but decided to call Longmont Humane where they could have her checked by a vet and give medical attention if needed. She is now in foster care eating away and putting on some weight before going up for adoption. She was very sweet and I am sure will be adopted quickly.

Update on Sol

Word from Longmont Humane is that Sol is up to 6.5 pounds in foster care and will be hitting the adoption floor any day.

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